Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bit O' Nilla

I'm not really a big fan of chibi, so I made some. It's a little bit like watching a car wreck, or eating chicharones- you don't want to, but once you start, you can't really help it. The thing that's weird with chibi is that you can't really tell how old they are. They have all these child/infant characteristics, but not really. You can make adult chibi, and child chibi. And little fuzzy animal chibi. They're kind of like children, and kind of like demon-possessed ventriloquist's dummies.
You can probably tell from this that I find them scary and repulsive, yet strangely attractive. I am hoping to exorcise this fascination by indulging in it.
The question is- how? Li'l Nilla is a kid, but not a chibi. Her older manifestations don't seem to have much room for chibiness either. So I suppose Chibi-Nilla will be relegated to random promotional graphics and similar forms of cheerleading.

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